
Avalon Ballroom





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Day reader

In Stavropol Regional Universal Scientific Library. Lermontov once again the Day reader, timed to the Day of Literacy, which is celebrated at the beginning of September.

Gone excursions with visits to the Department of Rare Books and the largest in the North Caucasus stacks, book exhibitions, Question Time, meeting with Stavropol writers who provided the new number of the anthology "Literary Stavropol region." In the department of rare books was an open view of literature "History books from birchbark documents to electronic publication," you could see old books in a wooden cover, with metal salary, book printing Civil XVIII - XIX centuries, the outstanding examples of modern printing products. Department Head, AV Ashihmina showed the greatest book - 9 pounds and the smallest, spoke about the unique books that department. Information-hour musical "Song, who called on the deed," submitted to the Division of Arts. Head of the Department of Art II Voronov told about the history of the songs of war. Members of the club, "Breeze" (vitality, joy and health) with his head GM Chernovalov could not hold back tears while listening to songs of his youth. Finally made a VOV LM Bozin who thought war and highlighted the songs during the war. The Department of Foreign Languages ??was an interesting meeting. Department Head, SS Skrypkina introduced the famous poet and writer, chairman of the "Union of Poles in Stavropol" I. Bernard, one of the first books of poetry which was "Children of the battalion" ... Participants of the meeting were members of the Literary Association "Hope", which This year marks its 14th anniversary, and N. Maslova, chief editor of the literary-journalistic magazine "The Shining", the director of the publishing house "TESERA" ... A lot of interesting and informative it was possible to see and hear in this day of "Lermontovka." As the poet said I. Bernard, "God has given each of the sensitive reader an endless imagination and subtle dish soul."