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"Kyivstar" became the official partner of the XIX International Book 'Publishers' Forum in Lviv ", which took place on 13-16 September. This unique set of fair, exhibition and educational activities, art and cultural events aimed at promoting reading, the creation of a civilized book market and the rise of the prestige of the Ukrainian book.
"Publishers' Forum in Lviv" held since 1994 and is one of the largest book fairs in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. This year, the forum was attended by more than 800 publishers and booksellers structures from all over the country. The forum has been more than 500 cultural events, among them - a number of literary festivals, which were attended by writers and translators from Ukraine, Austria, Azerbaijan, Britain, Georgia, Latvia, Norway, South Africa, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, USA , Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, and Switzerland. The guest of honor was the book forum DBC Pierre (UK), the winner of the prestigious literary award - the Booker Prize for his book «Vernon God Little» (2003).
"Kyivstar" for several consecutive years, implementing a number of projects and programs that promote the Ukrainians more interested in history, culture and achievements of Ukrainian and proud of their native land, - emphasizes Victor Galchinsky, Manager of Public Relations of the Lviv branch "Kyivstar". - Ukrainian book, like language - one of the most important components of the cultural heritage of our state. This year, we decided to partner with "Publishers Forum in Lviv" to maintain the prestige of the Ukrainian book publishing, whose development now requires special attention and protection of the public, given the rapid decline in output of domestic literature. Support for "Kyivstar" the most significant event of the year in publishing is our contribution to the popularization of the Ukrainian book. "
As part of the award "Best Book Publishers Forum-2012", "Kyivstar" established a special award for the author of the best Ukrainian-language books, which encourages readers to love Ukraine and learn about its history, culture and achievements of the little-known but interesting places of our country. According to the decision of the company, a special award - Kyivstar Spark smartphone with Internet access - was the originator of the book "Castles, fortresses and palaces in Ukraine. 70 miracles, "publisher" Family Leisure Club "(Kharkiv). The award was given for the promotion of lesser-known monuments of Ukraine of the Ukrainian and foreign travelers as well as for the significant contribution to the advancement of Ukraine as a country of interest to tourists. Learn the news first on the official twitter-page "Kyivstar".