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Best library for children in Khabarovsk - Fifth floor
In Khabarovsk, summed up the year of the competition among municipal libraries for the best organization to work with children and adolescents.
This competition was held in the city in the fifteenth time, and, as usual, each of the city's libraries for the summer has become the center of leisure activities in the neighborhood.
Before librarians task is not only to entertain children, but and maintain strong interest in reading and to attract parents to participate in all activities. Preparing for the summer period begins long before the holidays. Institution staff decorate book exhibitions, play areas and prepare materials for modeling, painting and application.
This year's "Best library for working with children and teenagers in the summer" of public libraries, has won first place for family reading library number 6, which is located in the culture for young people and people in the area of ??Fifth area. When the library is created club "Sun" for children from dysfunctional families.
The guys are happy to participate in the festival, "How lovely this tale-ki!" Contest "June morning," and birthday celebrations are traditionally known writers into a costume show on zhilmassive.
The winner in the nomination "The best library for working with children and teenagers in the summer" of children's libraries become Central Children's Library named after A. Gaidar. Here young readers on summer vacation turned into sailors and with Captain VRUNGEL traveling on book seas and oceans. Subscribe for younger students into a lower deck, and for older children - in the upper. By the way, the author of "Captain Vrungel collects friends" Love Bushkova, who heads the service department Library of Gaidar as the best organizer of children's libraries in 2012. In addition, the library held in early June, "Pushkin's Marathon", in which more than one hundred children gathered near the railway station, where residents and visitors alike read poetry. In the same guys staged a "Crane World", firing into the sky in memory of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the white balls with paper cranes. Best organized in a system of public libraries was Natalia Korotkov, head mass Vym sector branch number 4. All the winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.